Pavel P. Kuksa


Multivariate and generalized kernels for sequence analysisSlides2013
Machine Learning and Algorithmic Approaches for Biomedical Data AnalysisSlides2013
Aligment-free Methods for DNA Barcode AnalysisSlides2009
Large-scale Kernel Methods and AlgorithmsSlides2010
Scalable Kernel Methods and Algorithms for General Sequence AnalysisSlides2010
Semi-Supervised Large-Scale Learning for NLPSlides2009
Fast Barcode-Based Species Identification Using String KernelsSlides2008
Efficient Sequence Classification with Multivariate Similarity KernelsSlides2012
Efficient Evaluation of Large Sequence KernelsSlides2012
Fast and Accurate Multi-class Protein Fold Recognition with Spatial Sample KernelsSlides2008
Fast, Large-Scale Learning Method for Protein Sequence ClassificationSlides2008
Efficient Sequence Classification with Spatial RepresentationsSlides2010
Fast Protein Homology and Fold Detection with Sparse Spatial Sample KernelsSlides2008
On the role of local matching for efficient semi-supervised protein sequence classificationSlides2008
Fast Kernel Methods for SVM Sequence ClassifiersSlides2007
Spatial Representations for Efficient Sequence ClassificationSlides2010
Efficient Motif Finding on Large-Alphabet InputsSlides2010