Pavel P. Kuksa's Publications

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Spatially-constrained sample kernel for sequence classification

Pavel Kuksa, Pai-Hsi Huang, and Vladimir Pavlovic. Spatially-constrained sample kernel for sequence classification. Snowbird Learning Workshop, Utah, April 1-4, 2008, 2008.






	Author = {Pavel Kuksa and Pai-Hsi Huang and Vladimir Pavlovic},
	Bib2Html_Pubtype = {Workshop},
	Booktitle = {Snowbird Learning Workshop},
	Howpublished = {Snowbird Learning Workshop, Utah, April 1-4, 2008},
	Owner = {pkuksa},
	Timestamp = {2009.08.27},
	Title = {Spatially-constrained sample kernel for sequence classification},
	Url = {},
	Year = {2008},
	Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}

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